
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sneak Peak Into I'M YOURS

EXCERPT from I'm Yours:

The next day I stay in bed, drowning myself in tears. Cole’s been knocking at my door again today, but I can’t move. The pain hurts too much. I want to give up on everything and lie in this bed for the rest of my life. 

It’s mid-day and the curtains are shut tight. It’s like a dungeon in here—just the way I want and need it right now.

I don’t want to move.

I want to continue staring off into space and imagine how beautiful my life used to be.

I remember when Cole restored my holiday spirit. He made me fall in love with Christmas, even though I hated every single thing about it. Where is that man? Where is the man I fell so deeply in love with? He’s not here. He’s lost.

There were no signs. Maybe I read everything wrong. Or maybe… Just maybe… Deep down inside I knew. Did he do it because I deserved the pain? Was I just no good enough to pursue anymore, even though he married me? I did everything right. I was nice, genuine, treated him like a man should be treated.

So why did he do this? Why didn’t he choose to make love to me instead of her? 

I’m numb… Broken… Hurt… Devastated… My heart is broken into pieces. I’ve been crying… hard… I feel like my heart is being ripped from my chest. That’s how he is making me feel. He did this to me. He caused this pain.

Releasing February 14th! 

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